One of the human security issues that Nigerians face is insecurity. Several countries have struggled to curb soaring rates of murder, armed robbery, and kidnapping, as well as drug trafficking, sex trafficking, illicit weapons trafficking, and a slew of other crimes that cause insecurity. In Nigeria, insecurity is manifested by a convulsive increase in both violent and non-violent crimes. (Okechukwu, 2011).
Armed robbery, assassination, and abduction for ransom are now devouring the country like a wave, instilling concerns and anxiety about public safety (Okechukwu, 2011). Nigeria has been on the global crime map since the 1980s, therefore the increase in insecurity has been constant (Dambazau, 2007) Poverty, bad parental upbringing, and avarice among the kids; get rich fast mindset, and an ineffective insecurity control model of national security, among other factors, have all contributed to decades of insecurity.
According to Osawe (2015), insecurity depicts the government's inability to provide a secure and safe environment, stating that "increasingly lethal firepower is likely to cause higher levels of destruction; and that the augmentation of sophisticated weaponry creates a vicious cycle in which competing militias engage in an arms race to gain dominance in capability". Such contests are often violent. There are no crime-free zones in Nigeria. The incidence and mortality rate, however, vary.
According to the Nigeria Watch Third Report on Violence in Nigeria (2006-2011), criminality is the second most common source of violence in Nigeria, and it is particularly prevalent in the south, particularly in densely populated cities such as Lagos and Port Harcourt. As a result, it is critical to continue to investigate both violent and nonviolent crimes in Nigeria in order to identify trends and patterns. Given the alarming growth in criminal activities in Nigeria, such as armed robbery, terrorism, and other associated crimes, the environment for lives, properties, and the conduct of economic operations is critical (Osawe, 2015). Scholars and social analysts have identified many reasons of insecurity. The availability of weaponry in the hands of unlawful users, especially civilians, is one of them, and it promotes insecurity in Nigeria.
Insecurity has for a long time troubled the security and system of justice in Nigeria. Despite how crucial of a challenge it is to National security, it has been overlooked for a long time and insecurity continues, and this may lead to a spike in international migration of Nigerians. There is little research that has been conducted on this subject matter pertaining to Nigeria, thus, this study will fill the gap as well as provide insight as the urgent need to face and fight against insecurity in Nigeria as it poses a huge threat to National security and migration of Nigerians.
This study seeks to evaluate the level of insecurity in Nigeria and its impact on international migration.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the case of insecurity in Nigeria and its impact on international migration. Thus, the following objectives;
1. To determine if the current level of insecurity in Nigeria has a negative effect on Nigerians
2. To determine whether the level of insecurity in Nigeria has had an impact on international migration of Nigerians.
3. To determine the extent to which insecurity in Nigeria has impacted negatively on international migration of Nigerians.
The following questions guide this research;
1. Does the current level of insecurity in Nigeria have negative effect on Nigerians?
2. Does the level of insecurity in Nigeria have an impact on international migration of Nigerians?
3. To what extent has the insecurity in Nigeria impacted negatively on international migration of Nigerians?
This study will be helpful to the government in creating awareness on the impact of the level of insecurity in leading Nigerians to move and settle in other countries causing a brain drain in Nigeria. It will also be helpful as it will be an addition to other works which have been written on the subject matter of migration of Nigerians and it will also provide materials for other researchers to reference when conducting their own research.
This study will only cover the level of insecurity in Nigeria and its impact on international migration in Nigeria. Nigeria Immigration Service in Abuja will serve as enrolled participants for this study.
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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